
Should I leave my toothbrush in the bathroom?

by AdminMy Store on Sep 13, 2022

Should I leave my toothbrush in the bathroom?

Have you ever wondered how close is your toothbrush on the counter to the vortex in the toilet? People tends to leave their toothbrushes in the bathroom because it is the most convenient and logical thing to do. You can go to the toilet and brush your teeth in the morning, killing two birds with one stone! Have you ever thought about how disgusting your left-behind toothbrush is in the bathroom? It is true that the germs in the toilet can barely deposit on the toothbrush directly, but no one wants to put a toothbrush in his/her mouth if it has been surrounded by the sickening smell of the feces all the time.

It is a good idea to keep the toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible. This way, there will be a less chance for the germs to fall in between the bristles. Keeping the toothbrushes away from the sink also helps with their hygiene, as it is impossible to not splashing water, soap, or germs onto your toothbrush. One way or another, we need to find a reliable method to protect our toothbrushes when we are not using them.